
FDA pre-market notification submission for medical devices.

Combining 510k with CE Marking Submissions

Learn how to create a regulatory plan for combining 510k with CE marking submissions in parallel instead of doubling your workload.

510k submission and CE Marking Combining 510k with CE Marking Submissions

My first medical device regulatory submission was for CE Marking, while my second regulatory submission was for a 510k submission of the same product. Preparing submissions for different countries in parallel is a common path for medical device regulatory submissions, but it is also an inefficient path. If you know that you will be submitting both types of documents, then you should plan for this from the start and reduce your workload by at least 35%.

The reason why you can quickly reduce your workload by more than 65% is that both submission have very similar sections. Therefore, you can write the content for those sections in such a way that the material can be used for your 510k submission and CE Marking.

Identify duplicate sections in when combining 510k with CE marking projects

Most of your testing requirements should be identical when you are combining 510k with CE Marking submissions. However, the way the testing is presented is different. For your 510k submission you will attach the full testing report and write a brief statement about how the testing supports substantial equivalence. In contrast, CE marking technical files require a summary technical document or STED. The STED is a summary of each test that was performed. If you aren’t sure what testing is required, we created a test plan webinar to address this question specifically. Most of the work will be duplicated between your two test plans, but any outliers should be identified. For example, biocompatibility will need to include a biological evaluation plan (BEP) and biological evaluation report (BER), but this is optional for a 510k submission. There are also FDA requirements that are not required for CE marking, such as material mediated pyrogenicity testing and bacterial endotoxin testing for each production lot. In general, the possible testing categories are:

  1. biocompatibility
  2. sterilization
  3. shelf-life
  4. distribution
  5. reprocessing
  6. software
  7. cybersecurity
  8. wireless coexistence
  9. interoperability
  10. EMC
  11. electrical safety
  12. non-clinical performance
  13. human factors
  14. animal studies
  15. human clinical studies

There are a few other sections of your 510k and CE marking submissions that are nearly identical:

How to organize your medical device files when combining 510k with CE marking

The new FDA eSTAR has a unique PDF template that must be used for organizing your submission but Patrick Axtell, the person that helped create the FDA eSTAR templates, is also the Coordinator for the IMDRF Regulated Product Submission Working Group. He has inserted links in the eSTAR sections that cross-reference to the Regulated Product Submission Table of Content (i.e., RPS ToC). Therefore, best practice is to organize your medical device file in accordance with the RPS ToC:

  1. Non-In Vitro Diagnostic Device Regulatory Submission Table of Contents (nIVD ToC)

  2. In Vitro Diagnostic Medical Device Regulatory Submission Table of Contents (IVD ToC)

Identify sections unique to an FDA eSTAR 510k

There are only a few sections of the FDA eSTAR 510k that are unique. The following is a list of those sections:

Technical Files for CE Marking also have a few unique sections, such as:

Combining 510k with CE marking – how to construct your regulatory plan

In one of my previous blogs, I explained how the new FDA eSTAR template as a project management tool to verify that all of the section of a 510k submission are complete. Unfortunately, there is no CE Marking equivalent, but you can use your TF/MDR Index as a project management tool when you are constructing a combined plan for a 510k submission and CE Marking. The first step is to create a Index based on a recognized standard (EN standard or ISO standards). Historically we used the GHTF guidance document released by study group 1: N011:2008. When the EU MDR came into force, we added cross-references to the EU MDR in our TF/MDR Index. The GHTF guidance mirrors the format required in Annex III of the new EU MDR. I do not recommend using the NB-MED 2.5.1/rec 5 guidance document. Even though the content is similar to the GHTF guidance, the format is quite different. There is also a new IMDRF guidance document for Essential Principles of Safety and Performance that you should consider referencing.

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Project and task management for your combined regulatory plan

If you are going to outsource sections of either submission, the sections should be written and reviewed by someone familiar with both types of submissions. The headers and footers will be unique to the type of submission, but I write the text in Google Docs without formatting for ease of sharing and so I can use my Chromebook.

If you have an in-house team that prepares your 510k submissions and Technical Files, you might consider training the people responsible for each section on the requirements for each type of submission. This eliminates rewriting and reformatting later. I like to assign who is writing each section in a separate column of my project management software. Then I will sort the sections by the expected date of completion. All the safety and performance testing, and any sections requiring validation, will typically be finished at the end of the project. Therefore, it is important to dedicate unique resources to those sections rather than asking one person to write several of those sections. You also will want to make sure any supporting documentation they need is completed early so that the project’s critical path doesn’t change.

Additional training for combining 510k with CE marking

We provide an on-demand  510k course series consisting of 33 FDA eSTAR webinars that you can purchase as a bundle or individually. We also have various training webinars about CE marking on our webinars page.

Combining 510k with CE Marking Submissions Read More »

Are FDA pre-sub meetings a waste of time?

This article reviews the top reasons why other companies feel requesting FDA pre-sub meetings is a waste of time but you can’t afford to.

Requesting 510k pre sub meeting is a waste of time 1024x448 Are FDA pre sub meetings a waste of time?

It only takes our consulting team a few hours to prepare an FDA pre-sub request using the new FDA PreSTAR. The FDA does not charge you a cent for submitting an FDA pre-sub, and a pre-sub should be part of every design plan. However, most companies are resistant to requesting FDA pre-sub meetings. In this article we review the top four reasons why companies resist submitting an FDA pre-sub request, and you will learn about the three options for the method of FDA feedback.

Our design is not finalized yet

The most common reason why people delay their request for an FDA pre-sub is that they are waiting until the design is complete. This rationale is flawed because the FDA can’t review data and the FDA can’t give you advice on the design of your device. The purpose of an FDA pre-sub is to “forge a better test plan.” The FDA prefers that you submit draft test protocols with specific questions. The ideal time to submit an FDA pre-sub request is 6-9 months before you approve your design outputs (i.e., design freeze). This timing should be shortly after you approve your design inputs (i.e., essential requirements for safety and performance, standards, and stakeholder requirements). Another reason for requesting a pre-sub early is that most companies need to submit a pre-sub supplement with a revised test plan. This is especially true for biocompatibility testing, non-clinical, benchtop performance testing plans, pre-clinical animal testing, human clinical studies, and human factors testing. The revised test plan includes protocol revisions based on the feedback from the original pre-sub.

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It’s too late to request FDA pre-sub meetings

If you are less than a week away from submitting to the FDA, it is too late. The FDA target for scheduling an FDA pre-sub meeting is 70-75 days from the date your request was submitted. That’s 10-11 weeks. Most companies tell me that they plan to submit to the FDA within weeks or a couple of months, but most of the companies take nine months or longer. For example, what if your device fails EMC testing, and you have to change the design and retest for both EMC and electrical safety at an NRTL? At best, you will have an 8-week delay. If you submit a request next week, and everything goes as planned, you can always withdraw your request for the pre-sub. If you encounter a delay for any reason, suddenly, it’s not too late.

We don’t want to be bound by what the FDA says in the FDA pre-sub meeting

FDA pre-sub meetings are “non-binding.” That means that the FDA can change its mind, but it also means you don’t have to do everything the FDA says in an FDA pre-sub meeting. If you don’t ask a question about testing requirements, that doesn’t mean that the FDA does not have any testing requirements. The FDA knows what previous companies have submitted for testing better than you do, and they may be in the process of evaluating draft guidance documents. If you ask questions, you will have better insights into what the FDA expects. The most important questions are related to your rationale for why a specific testing specimen represents the “worst-case” for one of your tests. Selecting the wrong testing specimen will result in you repeating that test. Understanding FDA expectations helps you write better rationales for testing or test avoidance. You also might learn about deadlines for the implementation of new testing requirements that you might be able to avoid. Finally, you can ask the FDA about possible testing options you are considering if the FDA denies your most optimistic testing plans.

There is already a guidance document for our device

Not all device classifications have a guidance document explaining what information should be submitted in an FDA pre-market submission. However, there are almost one hundred Special Controls Guidance Documents, and for new device regulations (i.e., De Novo applications) the FDA now incorporates the special controls directly in the new regulation. Therefore, there is a good chance that the FDA published special controls as part of the regulation for your device or as a guidance document. As part of the special controls, the FDA defines what performance testing is required for your device. If you already know what testing is required, then the value in requesting FDA pre-sub meetings is diminished. But at least three other key benefits remain.

First, you can verify that the predicate you plan to use for comparative testing is not going to be a problem. Although the FDA can’t tell you which predicate to pick, the FDA can tell you if there is a problem with the predicate you have selected. This is especially important if the product is not currently registered and listed, because you may not know if the device was withdrawn from the market after it was cleared.

Second, not all testing standards are prescriptive. Many tests have testing options that require a decision. Input from the FDA may be valuable in making choices between various performance testing options. Sometimes, you forgo testing and provide a rationale instead. FDA feedback on any rationale for not doing testing is critical to prevent delays and requests for additional information later.

Third, there are many different FDA representatives who participate in FDA pre-sub meetings. The lead reviewer will invite specialists and the branch chief to the meeting. Each of these specialists can answer questions during a pre-submission meeting that they are not able to answer during the actual review process. You also have the opportunity to get feedback from the branch chief–who has insight from all the previous devices that were cleared with your product classification. Your lead reviewer is not likely to be as experienced as the branch chief, and may only have been working at the FDA for months. Your request for the 510k pre-sub meeting will help an inexperienced lead reviewer as much as it will help your company.

Which method of FDA pre-sub feedback should you request?

The FDA offers three different options for the method of feedback in pre-sub request:

  1. a face-to-face meeting
  2. a conference call
  3. an email response

Pre submission meeting request feedback options Are FDA pre sub meetings a waste of time?

Feedback Option 1 – A Face-to-Face Meeting

Some executives believe that face-to-face meetings are critical in establishing relationships with people. However, you need to understand the culture of the people you are trying to build a relationship with. The FDA is an overworked bureaucracy, and government agencies have security concerns. When the FDA meets with visitors they must go to a different building and arrange for their guests to pass through security. This is more work and takes more time. To justify the extra work and time, you need a compelling reason why a face-to-face meeting with the FDA is necessary.

Traveling to the FDA will cost your team money and time that conference calls and emails will not. More importantly, you are limited to one hour for a pre-submission meeting. One hour is barely enough time to ask questions and listen to the answers. You only have minutes to introduce your company and your team and describe the product. There is no time for relationship building. The best way to impress the FDA is to 1) prepare thoroughly, 2) conduct an efficient meeting, and 3) ask smart questions.

There is one time when you should visit the FDA face-to-face–if you have a powerful demonstration and video just isn’t good enough.

Feedback Option 2 – Conference Call

Conference calls save you time and money, but conference calls also save the FDA time and effort. You won’t personally meet people from the agency, but you can communicate information prior to the meeting and you can provide videos of simulated use for your device. Conference calls do have the advantage of allowing you to mute the call for a moment and make a comment among your team members without the agency listening as well. Whenever you are discussing a performance testing plan or a clinical study protocol with the FDA, you will probably want a conference call to enable clarification questions. The image below is an example of a request for a teleconference as the method of feedback. The FDA will still send an email response to your questions within 70 days, and you will want to submit your presentation slide deck for the teleconference at least 48 hours before the teleconference.

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Feedback option 3 – Email

Email responses from the FDA are highly underrated in value. When you specify an email response, you generally receive a response to your questions sooner. You also should receive more information, because each person from the agency is able to provide an hour of their time to write detailed feedback. In a conference call, you are speaking for part of the hour, and only one person from the FDA can speak at a time. Therefore, you almost always have less feedback during conference calls and face-to-face meetings. The primary downside to email as a feedback method is that it is not interactive. In the case of submission issue review (SIR) requests (i.e., a special type of FDA pre-sub request), the FDA will only give you the option of a teleconference or email feedback–not both. Due to the challenges of scheduling teleconference, sometimes an email response can be delivered sooner and might be your best choice for an SIR request.

Learning More about FDA Pre-sub Meetings

If you would like to learn more about how to prepare the format and contents of an FDA pre-sub request, we have a four-part webinar series that will teach you how to prepare a pre-submission meeting request using the new FDA PreSTAR template.Stop wasting time and register now Are FDA pre sub meetings a waste of time?

Are FDA pre-sub meetings a waste of time? Read More »

FDA eSTAR v5.0 – What’s new?

This blog provides a deep dive into the newest version of the FDA eSTAR, version 5.0, released on December 6, 2023.

Why did the FDA release the new eSTAR version as v5.0 instead of v4.4?

A major version update consists of policy changes, regulatory changes, or major changes to the template and will be denoted by a major version number increment (e.g. 4.3 to 5.0). A minor version update will consist of other changes and will be denoted by a minor version number increment (e.g. 4.3 to 4.4). If there are policy or regulatory changes, a new major version of the eSTAR is made before the implementation date, and the previous version of the eSTAR is removed. In this case, enabling PMA content, updates to the international pilot of the eSTAR with Health Canada, and implementation of cybersecurity documentation requirements are considered major changes that trigger the need for a major version update (i.e., 5.0) instead of a minor version update (i.e., 4.4). These changes apply to the IVD eSTAR and the non-IVD eSTAR. If you are generally unfamiliar with the FDA eSTAR, please visit our 510k course page.

What is the deadline for using v5.0?

Version 4.3 of the FDA eSTAR, both the nIVD and IVD versions, will be removed from the FDA website on February 4, 2024. Any submissions that are submitted with an expired version of the eSTAR will be rejected. If you have already uploaded information to an older version of the template, you will need to scroll to the bottom of the eSTAR and export the data to an HTML file. Then you import the HTML file into the newer version of the eSTAR. Any attachments you made to the older version of the template will not be exported, and you will have to attach all of the attachments to the new template.

Import Export Function in FDA eSTAR 1024x423 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

PMA content is enabled in the new FDA eSTAR

Previous versions of the FDA eSTAR included the functionality for premarket approval (PMA) submissions, but in version 5.0 the FDA finally enabled this functionality. 510k submissions have three types: 1) Traditional, 2) Abbreviated, and 3) Special. PMA submissions also have different types. There are two types of PMA submissions for a new device: traditional and modular. Unfortunately, the FDA eSTAR is not intended for PMAs using the modular approach. For Class 3 devices, the FDA has more stringent controls over changes than Class 1 and 2 devices. Therefore, a PMA supplement is required for the following types of changes to PMA-approved devices:

  • new indications for use;
  • labeling changes;
  • facility changes for manufacturing or packaging;
  • changes in manufacturing methods;
  • changes in quality control procedures;
  • changes in sterilization procedures;
  • changes in packaging;
  • changes in the performance or design specifications, and
  • extension of the expiration date.

There are several types of PMA supplements, but only three types of supplements can use the FDA eSTAR: 1) Panel-Track, 2) 180-Day, and 3) Real Time. To determine which type of PMA supplement you should use, the FDA published guidance for modifications to devices subject to the premarket approval process.

PMA Content

The following sections in the FDA eSTAR are specific to PMA submission content requirements:

  • Quality Management System Information
  • Facility Information
  • Post-Market Study (PMS) Plans
  • Attach an exclusion statement, or an Environmental Assessment Report in accordance with 21 CFR 814.20(b)(11)

Health Canada is conducting a pilot with the FDA eSTAR

Health Canada’s FDA eSTAR pilot is now full with a total of 10 participants (originally only 9 were planned). The pilot will test the use of eSTAR for applications submitted to Health Canada. The results of the pilot should be complete soon, and then we expect an extension of the pilot to a broader number of applicants. We heard rumors that the HC eSTAR was overly complicated. Hopefully, v5.0 is simplified.

Were there any changes to the EMC testing section?

EMC Labeling questions were consolidated into a single question instead of four because only one citation is usually provided in this section. A copy of the older version is provided below.

Additional ISO 18562 help text 1024x395 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new? Old EMC Labeling Section 1024x506 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

The updated version 5.0 is shown below and has only one question, but the help text was changed.

Pointing to help text box 1024x250 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

Does the FDA eSTAR now require more cybersecurity documentation?

Bhoomika Joyappa updated our cybersecurity work instruction (WI-007) to address the updated FDA guidance for cybersecurity documentation. The revisions were completed earlier this month, and you can purchase the updated templates on our website. We have also been telling our subscribers to anticipate a significant revision to the FDA eSTAR cybersecurity requirements 300x71 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?template when this happens. The release of the updated eSTAR version took a little over two months, and the change resulted in a three-page section dedicated to cybersecurity documentation. The previous versions of the template included a requirement for documentation of cybersecurity risk management and a cybersecurity management plan/plan for continuing support. The following documents must be attached in this section if cybersecurity applies to your device:

  1. risk management – report (attach)
  2. risk management – threat model (attach)
  3. list of threat methodology (text box)
  4. verification that the threat model documentation includes (yes/no dropdown):
    1. global system view
    2. Multi-patient harm view
    3. Updateability/patchability view
    4. Security use case views
  5. cybersecurity risk assessment (attach)
  6. page numbers where methodology and acceptance criteria are documented (text box)
  7. verification that the risk assessment avoids using probability for the likelihood assessment and use exploitability instead (yes/no dropdown)
  8. software bill of materials or SBOM (attach)
  9. software level of support and end-of-support date for each software component (attach)
  10. operating system and version used (text box)
  11. safety and security assessment of vulnerabilities (attach)
  12. assessment of any unresolved anomalies (attach)
  13. data from monitoring cybersecurity metrics (attach)
  14. information about security controls (attach)
  15. page numbers where each security control is addressed (text box):
    1. Authentication controls
    2. Authorization controls
    3. Cryptography controls
    4. Code, data, and execution integrity controls
    5. Confidentiality controls
    6. Event detection and logging controls
    7. Resiliency and recovery controls
    8. Firmware and software update controls
  16. architecture views (attach)
  17. cybersecurity testing (attach)
  18. page numbers where cybersecurity labeling is provided (text box)

Sterility section changes include an updated question on EO residuals

In the sterility section of the FDA eSTAR there was a question about sterilant residues. Specifically, the question was “What are the maximum levels of sterilant residual that remain on the device?” The space provided for entering the information was small as well.

EO residue help text 1024x568 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

Now the question is reworded to: “What are the maximum levels of sterilant residuals that remain on the device, and what is your explanation for why those levels are acceptable for the device type and the expected duration of patient contact?” No change was made to the help text for this question.

In addition to the changes in the sterility section regarding EO residuals, the FDA also modified the dropdown menu and the help text for pyrogenicity testing. There were options for “LAL” and “Rabbit Test” separately, but now these are combined into “LAL and Rabbit Pyrogen Test.” In addition, the following help text was added: “If you previously conducted rabbit testing on these materials, please either: 1) reference this testing according to the submission number in your attached Pyrogenicity documentation and specifically cite the attachment(s) and page number(s) where the testing is found in that submission, or 2) attach your previous test report.”

Pyrogenicity help text 1024x647 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

What is the deadline for using v5.0?

Many clients say that they get an error message when they try to open the FDA eSTAR template. This is because they are opening the eSTAR from a PDF viewer instead of Adobe Acrobat Pro.

Please wait 1024x400 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

Some people want to save money by using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader software instead, but this will not allow you to complete the eSTAR properly. Therefore, the FDA added a Popup message if Adobe Acrobat Reader is used.

How are devices with a breathing gas pathway evaluated for biocompatibility?

In the screen capture below, I have intentionally selected “Surface Device: Mucosal Membrane” as the type of tissue contact for a breathing gas pathway device because the device will have a mouthpiece placed in your mouth (i.e., mucosal membrane). This is a common mistake. In version 5.0 of the FDA eSTAR, the FDA clarifies that these devices should be evaluated as “externally communicating” and the tissue contact is “tissue/bone/dentin.” Specifically, the tissue contact is the lungs. For this reason, the FDA added the help text shown below in the JavaScript Window regarding the applicability of ISO 18562-1, -2, -3, and -4.

ISO 18562 references for biocompatibility 802x1024 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

Additional questions and guidance will appear when you click on the individual blue boxes shown above. For the blue box labeled “Subacute/Subchronic,” you will find additional help text regarding the ISO 18562 standards. Similar help text is found when you click the blue box labeled “Acute Systemic & Pyrogenicity.”

Additional ISO 18562 help text 1024x395 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

What is a cross-section change reminder?

One of the minor changes made in this FDA eSTAR version is the addition of “cross-section change reminders” to the help text in the device description section. This is not meant to help you avoid answering questions in your submission, because if you are missing a section of the submission because you answered “No” instead of “Yes” the FDA reviewer will identify this error during the Technical Review process. This will result in your submission being placed on hold and the review time clock will be reset to zero days when you resubmit with the corrections made. The screen capture below shows an example of one of these cross-section change reminders.

Cross section change reminder 1024x636 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

What changes were made to the clinical testing section of the FDA eSTAR?

The clinical testing section will now display when using PDF-XChange Editor, but we recommend only using Adobe Acrobat Pro to edit the FDA eSTAR. This change is a bug fix, and it is specific to the nIVD eSTAR. The IVD eSTAR and the nIVD eSTAR both include a clinical testing section within the performance testing section, but the performance testing section is found in the FDA eSTAR before the electrical safety and EMC testing section, while the performance testing section is found after the electrical safety and EMC testing section. If your company is planning to submit clinical data in a future FDA submission, we have the following recommendations:

  • watch the CDRH Learn webinars on the topic of 21 CFR 812
  • conduct a pre-submission teleconference to ask questions about your clinical study protocol before IRB submission or ethics review board submission
  • before you submit the pre-sub meeting request, look at what general clinical information the FDA wants for a De Novo or PMA submission in the FDA eSTAR

FDA eSTAR clinical section 873x1024 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

Note: The clinical section shown above is only found in the FDA eSTAR if you select a De Novo or PMA submission. If you submit a 510k submission with clinical data, the clinical section will be abbreviated as shown below.

FDA eSTAR clinical section for 510k 859x1024 FDA eSTAR v5.0   Whats new?

FDA eSTAR v5.0 – What’s new? Read More »

eSTAR Project Management

Using the new FDA eSTAR template also requires a new process for eSTAR project management to prepare your 510k and De Novo submissions.

Outline of ten (10) major changes resulting from the new FDA eSTAR template

As of October 1, 2023, all 510k and De Novo submissions to the FDA now require using the new FDA eSTAR template and the template must be uploaded to the FDA Customer Collaboration Portal (CCP). Yesterday the FDA published an updated guidance explaining the 510k electronic submission requirements, but there are ten (10) major changes to Medical Device Academy’s submission process resulting from the new eSTAR templates:

  1. We no longer need a table of contents.
  2. We no longer use the volume and document structure.
  3. We are no longer required to conform to sectioning or pagination of the entire submission.
  4. We no longer worry about the RTA screening or checklist (it doesn’t exist).
  5. We no longer bother creating an executive summary (it’s optional).
  6. We no longer have a section for Class 3 devices, because there are no Class 3 510(k) devices anymore.
  7. We no longer use FDA Form 3514, because that content is now incorporated into the eSTAR.
  8. We no longer create a Declaration of Conformity, because the eSTAR creates one automatically.
  9. We no longer recommend creating a 510(k) Summary, because the eSTAR creates one automatically
  10. We no longer use FedEx, because we can upload to FDA CCP electronically instead.

What is different in the 510k requirements?

Despite all the perceived changes to the FDA’s pre-market notification process (i.e., the 510k process), the format and content requirements have not changed much. The most significant recent change to the 510k process was the requirement to include cybersecurity testing.

Outline of eSTAR Project Management

There were 20 sections in a 510k submission. Medical Device Academy’s consulting team created a template for the documents to be included in each section. eSTAR project management is different because there are no section numbers to reference. To keep things clear, we recommend using one or two words at the beginning of each file name to define the section it belongs in. The words should match up with the bookmarks used by the FDA. However, you should be careful not to make the file names too long. Below is a list of all of the sections:

The Benefit, Risks, and Mitigation Measures Section only applies to De Novo Classification Requests. The Quality Management Section includes subsections for Quality Management System Information, Facility Information, Post-Market Studies, and References. However, only the References subsection will be visible in most submissions because the other three subsections are part of the Health Canada eSTAR pilot. Other sections and subsections will be abbreviated or hidden depending on the dropdown menu selections you select in the eSTAR. For example, the cybersecurity section will remain hidden if your device does not have wireless functionality or a removable storage drive.

Wireless Not Applicable 1024x252 eSTAR Project Management

A Table of Contents is no longer required for 510k submissions

510k submissions using the FDA eCopy format required a Table of Contents, and Medical Device Academy used the Table of Contents as a project management tool. Sometimes, we still use our Table of Contents template to communicate assignments and manage the 510k project. The sections of the Table of Contents would also be color-coded green, blue, yellow, and red to communicate the status of each section. FDA eSTAR project management uses a similar color coding process with colored bars on the side of the template to indicate if the section is incomplete, complete, or optional.

Color coding of eSTAR 1024x372 eSTAR Project Management

The eSTAR also has a verification section at the end of the template to help with eSTAR project management. The verification section lists each of the 13 major sections of an FDA eSTAR. When the sections are completed, the section’s name automatically moves from the right side of the verification section to the left side. During the past two years (2021 – 2023) of implementing the eSTAR template, I have slowly learned to rely only on the eSTAR to communicate the status of each section. To assign responsibilities for each section of the 510k submission, we still use the Table of Contents simple lists and project management tools like Asana. Using the eSTAR verification section to check on the status of each 510k section also increases our team’s proficiency with the eSTAR every time we use it.

Verification section 1024x379 eSTAR Project Management

Using Dropbox for eSTAR project management

PreSTAR templates for a Q-Sub meeting are approximately half the length (i.e., 15 pages instead of 30+ pages) of an eSTAR template, and the 510k submission requires far more attachments than a Q-Sub. Therefore, we can usually email a revised draft of the PreSTAR to a team member for review, but we can’t use email to share a nearly complete eSTAR with a team member. Therefore, Medical Device Academy uses Dropbox to share revisions of the eSTAR between team members. Some of our clients use One Drive or Google Drive to share revisions. We also create sub-folders for each type of testing. This keeps all of the documents and test reports for a section of the eSTAR in one place. For example, the software validation documentation will be organized in one sub-folder of the Dropbox folder for a 510k project.

When using FDA eCopies instead of the FDA eSTAR template, we used twenty subfolders labeled and organized by volume numbers 1-20. Some of those 20 sections are now obsolete (e.g., Class III Summary), and others (e.g., Indications for Use) are integrated directly into the eSTAR template. Therefore, a team may only need 8-10 sub-folders to organize the documents and test reports for a 510k project. We typically do not attach these documents and test reports until the very end of the submission preparation because if the FDA releases a new version of the eSTAR, the attachments will not export from an older version of the eSTAR to the new version.

Coordination of team collaboration is critical to successful eSTAR project management

In the past, Medical Device Academy always used a volume and document structure to organize an FDA eCopy because this facilitated multiple team members simultaneously working on the same 510k submission–even from different countries. Many clients will use SharePoint or Google Docs to facilitate simultaneous collaboration by multiple users. Unfortunately, the eSTAR cannot be edited by two users simultaneously because it is a secure template that can only be edited in Adobe Acrobat Pro. Therefore, the team must communicate when the eSTAR template is being updated and track revisions. For communication, we use a combination of instant messenger apps (e.g., Slack or Whatsapp) and email, while revisions are tracked by adding the initials and date of the editor to the file name (e.g., nIVD 4.3 rvp 12-5-2023.pdf).

Importance of peer reviews

Each section of the FDA eSTAR must be completed before the submission can be uploaded to the Customer Collaboration Portal (CCP). If the FDA eSTAR is incomplete, the CCP will identify the file as incomplete. You will not be able to upload the file. If questions in the eSTAR are incorrectly answered, then sections that should be completed may not be activated because of how the questions were answered. Below are two examples of how the eSTAR questions can be incorrectly answered.

  • Example 1 – One of the helpful resource features of the FDA eSTAR is that many fields are populated with a dropdown menu of answers. One example is found in the Classification section of the eSTAR. This section requires the submitter to identify the device’s classification by answering three questions: 1) review panel, 2) classification regulation, and 3) the three-letter product code. Each of these fields uses a dropdown menu to populate the field, and the dropdown options for questions two and three depend on answers to the previous question. However, if you manually type the product code into the field for the third question, then the eSTAR will not identify any applicable special controls guidance documents for your device. Unless you are already aware of an applicable special controls guidance document, you will answer questions in the eSTAR about special controls with “N/A.” The eSTAR will only identify a special controls guidance document for your device if you select a product code from the dropdown menu, but the FDA reviewer knows which special controls guidance documents are applicable. This is why the FDA performs a technical screening of the eSTAR before the substantive review begins.

Classification Section 1024x612 eSTAR Project Management

  • Example 2 – If you indicate the cumulative duration of contact for an externally communicating device < 24 hours, the eSTAR template will expect you to evaluate the following biocompatibility endpoints:  cytotoxicity, sensitization, irritation, systemic toxicity, and pyrogenicity.

24 hour duration of contact 1024x118 eSTAR Project Management

However, if you indicate the cumulative duration of contact is  < 30 days, the eSTAR template will be populated with additional biocompatibility endpoints. The eSTAR doesn’t know what the cumulative duration of use is, but the FDA reviewer will. This is why the FDA performs a technical screening of the eSTAR before the substantive review begins.

30 day duration of contact 1024x152 eSTAR Project Management

To make sure that all of the sections of your submission are complete, it’s helpful to have a second person review all of the answers to make sure that everything was completed correctly. Even experienced consultants who prepare 510k submissions every week can make a mistake and incorrectly answer a question in one of the eSTAR fields. Therefore, you shouldn’t skip this critical QC check.

Additional 510k Training

The 510k book, “How to Prepare Your 510k in 100 Days,” was completed in 2017, but the book is only available as part of our 510k course series consisting of 58+ webinars. Please visit the webinar page to purchase individual webinars.

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510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions

This is an overview of the updated 510k electronic submission guidance document that the FDA released on October 2, 2023.

What’s included in the 510k electronic submission guidance?

As with any FDA guidance, there is an introduction and background regarding the reason for the updated guidance document (i.e., eSTAR guidance). At the very beginning of the document (i.e., page 3) the reference to the RTA Guidance was deleted, because there is no longer an RTA screening process with the implementation of the FDA eSTAR templates. The updated guidance explains on page 6 that “The CDRH Portal will automatically verify that the eSTAR is complete, and therefore we do not expect to receive incomplete 510(k) eSTARs.” In the scope section, the FDA specifies that this document is specific to 510k submissions using the eSTAR template. The document also explains that CBER conducted a pilot with the eSTAR template in June 2022 and now the FDA eSTAR template must be used in conjunction with the CDRH Portal for submission of a 510k to CBER. The FDA has plans to release a similar De Novo submission guidance for using the eSTAR template, but this has not happened in the year since the FDA announced the intention to do so. In the “Significant Terminology” section of the guidance (i.e., Section IV), the FDA provides definitions for each of the different types of submissions: eCopy, eSubmitter, etc. In the “Current Electronic Submission Template Structure, Format, and Use” section of the guidance (i.e., Section V), the FDA modified the term used for the company that is applying for 510k clearance from “Submitter” to “Applicant,” because sometimes a regulatory consultant or 3rd party reviewer is submitting the 510k on behalf of the applicant. On page 12 of the updated guidance, the FDA added “Withdrawal requests” to the list of 510k submissions/information that is exempt from the 510k electronic submission requirements. In the next to last section of the electronic submission guidance, the FDA provides a table outlining all of the sections of the new eSTAR template. The table is reproduced later in this article. If you are interested in a tutorial on completing each section outlined in the table, we recommend purchasing Medical Device Academy’s 510(k) Course. The last section of the eSTAR guidance indicates the timing for compliance with the updated guidance (i.e., October 1, 2023).

Revisions to the FDA eSubmissions Guidance 10 2 2023 1024x620 510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions

What is the deadline for compliance with the guidance?

The deadline has now passed. The new eSTAR template must be used for all 510k and De Novo submissions as of October 1, 2023. You must upload the new FDA eSTAR submissions using the CDRH Portal. You will need to request an account using a registration hyperlink.

What’s missing from this 510k submission guidance?

The updated 510k electronic submission guidance does not provide information regarding the receipt date for electronic submissions made through the new customer collaboration portal (CCP) created by CDRH. The image below is a screen capture of the current CCP upload webpage. It includes the following statement, “Send your submission before 16:00 ET on a business day for us to process it the same day.” This statement was added sometime in August or September, but the FDA has not released a detailed explanation. This statement makes it clear that the FDA is not promising to process a submission the “same day” if the submission is received after 4:00 p.m. ET. However, “processed” does not have the same meaning as “receipt date.”

Another element missing from this updated guidance is a reference to human factors documentation. For any devices that have a user interface that is different from the predicate device, and for software devices, the FDA requires documentation of your human factors process to make sure that differences in the user interface do not result in new or different risks when compared to the predicate device. The 2016 FDA guidance for human factors has not been updated, but FDA reviewers continue to issue deficiencies related to the objective evidence provided in a 510k for human factors validation.

CCP screen capture 1024x619 510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions

The FDA must be consistent in the wording for “Hours for Receipt of Submission” because this affects submissions at the end of the fiscal year, but it also affects any submissions with a deadline for response to an RTA Hold, AI Response, and IDE submissions. The CDER and CBER divisions of the FDA address the need for defining the date of receipt in a guidance document specific to this topic, “Providing Regulatory Submissions in Electronic Format–Receipt Date.” Below is a screen capture copied from page 4 of the guidance.

Electronic Submission 510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions

Another element missing from this new guidance is a reference to human factors documentation. For any devices that have a user interface that is different from the predicate device, and for software devices, the FDA requires documentation of your human factors process to make sure that differences in the user interface do not result in new or different risks when compared to the predicate device. The 2016 FDA guidance for human factors has not been updated, but FDA reviewers continue to issue deficiencies related to the objective evidence provided in a 510k for human factors validation.

What are the new sections for a 510k submission?

In 2019, the FDA released a guidance document on the “Format of Traditional and Abbreviated 510(k)s.” That guidance outlines the 20 sections of a traditional 510k submission that have been used for decades. However, the new 510k electronic submission guidance has no numbering for the sections of the eSTAR template, and there are 22 sections instead of 20 sections. Several of the new sections are elements of the current FDA submission cover sheet (i.e., FDA Form 3514), and some sections exist in the 2019 guidance that were eliminated, such as: “Class III Summary and Certification.” Therefore, Medical Device Academy is recreating 100% of our 510k training webinars to explain how our 510k templates are used with the 510k eSTAR template and how to fill in the PDF form. To prevent confusion between the two formats, we are using letters for each section in the eSTAR template instead of numbers (i.e., A-V instead of 1-20). Table 1 from the new eSTAR guidance is reproduced below for your information.

Information Requested Description
A Submission Type Identification of key information that may be useful to FDA in the initial processing and review of the 510(k) submission, including content from current Form FDA 3514, Section A.
B Cover Letter / Letters of Reference Attach a cover letter and any documents that refer to other submissions.
C Submitter Information Information on submitter and correspondent, if applicable, consistent with content from current Form FDA 3514, Sections B and C.
D Pre-Submission Correspondence & Previous Regulator Interaction Information on prior submissions for the same device included in the current submission, such as submission numbers for a prior not substantially equivalent (NSE) determination, prior deleted or withdrawn 510(k), Q-Submission, Investigational Device Exemption (IDE) application, premarket approval (PMA) application, humanitarian device exemption (HDE) application, or De Novo classification request.
E Consensus Standards Identification of voluntary consensus standard(s) used, if applicable. This includes both FDA-recognized and nonrecognized consensus standards.
F Device Description Identification of listing number if listed with FDA.Descriptive information for the device, including a description of the technological characteristics of the device including materials, design, energy source, and other device features, as defined in section 513(i)(1)(B) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 807.100(b)(2)(ii)(A). Descriptive information also includes a description of the principle of operation for achieving the intended effect and the proposed conditions of use, such as surgical technique for implants; anatomical location of use; user interface; how the device interacts with other devices; and/or how the device interacts with the patient.

Information on whether the device is intended to be marketed with accessories.

Identification of any applicable device-specific guidance document(s) or special controls for the device type as provided in a special controls document (or alternative measures identified that provide at least an equivalent assurance of safety and effectiveness) or in a device-specific classification regulation, and/or performance standards. See “The 510(k) Program: Evaluating Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications [510(k)].

G Proposed Indications for Use (Form FDA 3881) Identification of the proposed indications for use of the device. The term indications for use, as defined in 21 CFR 814.20(b)(3)(i), describes the disease or condition the device will diagnose, treat, prevent, cure, or mitigate, including a description of the patient population for which the device is intended.
H Classification Identification of the classification regulation number that seems most appropriate for the subject device, as applicable.
I Predicates and Substantial Equivalence Identification of a predicate device (e.g., 510(k) number, De Novo number, reclassified PMA number, classification regulation reference, if exempt and limitations to exemption are exceeded, or statement that the predicate is a preamendments device).The submission should include a comparison of the predicate and subject device and a discussion why any differences between the subject and predicate do not impact safety and effectiveness [see section 513(i)(1)(A) of the FD&C Act and 21 CFR 807.87(f)]. A reference device should also be included in the discussion, if applicable. See “The 510(k) Program: Evaluating Substantial Equivalence in Premarket Notifications [510(k)].
J Design/Special Controls, Risks to Health, and Mitigation Measures Applicable to Special 510(k) submissions only.Identification of the device changes and the risk analysis method(s) used to assess the impact of the change(s) on the device and the results of the analysis.

Risk control measures to mitigate identified risks (e.g., labeling, verification). See “The Special 510(k) Program.

K Labeling Submission of proposed labeling in sufficient detail to satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 807.87(e). Generally, if the device is an in vitro diagnostic device, the labeling must also satisfy the requirements of 21 CFR 809.10. Additionally, the term “labeling” generally includes the device label, instructions for use, and any patient labeling. See “Guidance on Medical Device Patient Labeling.
L Reprocessing Information for assessing the reprocessing validation and labeling, if applicable. See “Reprocessing Medical Devices in Health Care Settings: Validation Methods and Labeling.
M Sterility Information on sterility and validation methods, if applicable. See “Submission and Review of Sterility Information in Premarket Notification (510(k)) Submissions for Devices Labeled as Sterile.
N Shelf Life Summary of methods used to establish that device performance is maintained for the entirety of the proposed shelf-life (e.g., mechanical properties, coating integrity, pH, osmolality), if applicable.
O Biocompatibility Information on the biocompatibility assessment of patient contacting materials, if applicable. See “Use of International Standard ISO 10993-1, ‘Biological evaluation of medical devices – Part 1: Evaluation and testing within a risk management process.’”
P Software/Firmware Submission of applicable software documentation, if applicable. See “Guidance for the Content of Premarket Submissions for Software Contained in Medical Devices.
Q Cybersecurity/Interoperability Submission of applicable information regarding the assessment of cybersecurity, if applicable. See “Content for Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices” and “Design Considerations and Premarket Submission Recommendations for Interoperable Medical Devices.
R Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC), Electrical, Mechanical, Wireless and Thermal Safety Submission of the EMC, Electrical, Mechanical, Wireless and Thermal Safety testing for your device or summarize why testing is not needed. See “Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) of Medical Devices” and “Radio Frequency Wireless Technology in Medical Devices.
S Performance Testing For non-in vitro diagnostic devices: Provide information on the non-clinical and clinical test reports submitted, referenced, or relied on in the 510(k) for a determination of substantial equivalence. See “Recommended Content and Format of NonClinical Bench Performance Testing Information in Premarket Submissions.”For in vitro diagnostic devices: Provide analytical performance, comparison studies, reference range/expected values, and clinical study information.
T References Inclusion of any literature references, if applicable.
U Administrative Documentation Inclusion of additional administrative forms applicable to the submission, including but not limited to a general summary of submission/executive summary (recommended), a Truthful and Accuracy Statement, and a 510(k) Summary or statement.
V Amendment/Additional Information (AI) response Inclusion of responses to Additional Information requests.

Important information in the eSTAR guidance

In Table 1 above, there are 14 hyperlinks to various FDA guidance documents. These links are extremely helpful when you have questions about a specific question. Unfortunately, the 510k electronic submission guidance document will quickly become out-of-date as guidance documents are updated and made obsolete. In particular, one of the A-list final guidance documents that was planned for FY 2023 was the FDA cybersecurity guidance. The updated cybersecurity guidance was finally released last week.

510k Electronic Submission Guidance for FDA 510k Submissions Read More »

Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

The FDA released a new draft 510k predicate selection guidance on September 7, but the draft guidance proposes controversial additions.

Draft Guidance on Predicate Selection Best Practices 1024x664 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions
Download the Draft FDA Predicate Selection Guidance

On September 7, 2023, a draft predicate selection guidance document was released by the FDA. Normally the release of a new draft of FDA guidance documents is anticipated and there is an obvious need for the draft. This new draft, however, appears to include some controversial additions that I feel should be removed from the guidance. This specific guidance was developed to help submitters use best practices in selecting a predicate. There is some useful advice regarding the need to review the FDA database for evidence of use-related and design-related safety issues associated with a potential predicate that is being considered. Unfortunately, the last section of the guidance suggests some controversial recommendations that I strongly disagree with.

Please submit comments to the FDA regarding this draft guidance

This guidance is a draft. Your comments and feedback to the FDA will have an impact on FDA policy. We are preparing a redlined draft of the guidance with specific comments and recommended changes. We will make the comments and feedback available for download from our website on our predicate selection webinar page. We are also creating a download button for the original draft in Word (.docx) format, and sharing the FDA instructions for how to respond.

Section 1 – Introduction to the guidance

The FDA indicates that this new draft predicate selection guidance document was created to provide recommendations to implement four (4) best practices when selecting a predicate device to support a 510k submission. This first objective is something that our consulting firm recommended in a training webinar. The guidance indicates that the guidance was also created by the FDA in an attempt to improve the predictability, consistency, and transparency of the 510k pre-market review process. This second objective is not accomplished by the draft guidance and needs to be modified before the guidance is released as a final guidance.

Section 2 – Background

This section of the guidance is divided into two parts: A) The 510k Process, and B) 510k Modernization.

A. The 510k Process

The FDA released a Substantial Equivalence guidance document that explains how to demonstrate substantial equivalence. The guidance document includes a new decision tree that summarizes each of the six questions that 510k reviewers are required to answer in the process of evaluating your 510k submission for substantial equivalence. The evidence of substantial equivalence must be summarized in the Predicates and Substantial Equivalence section of the FDA eSTAR template in your 510k submission, and the guidance document reviews the content that should be provided.

Substantial equivalence is evaluated against a predicate device or multiple predicates. To be considered substantially equivalent, the subject device of your 510k submission must have the same intended use AND the same technological characteristics as the predicate device. Therefore, you cannot use two different predicates if one predicate has the same intended use (but different technological characteristics), and the second predicate has the same technological characteristics (but a different intended use). That’s called a “split predicate,” and that term is defined in the guidance This does not prohibit you from using a secondary predicate, but you must meet the requirements of this guidance document to receive 510k clearance. The guidance document reviews five examples of multiple predicates being used correctly to demonstrate substantial equivalence.

B. 510k Modernization

The second part of this section refers to the FDA’s Safety Action Plan issued in April 2018. The announcement of the Safety Action Plan is connected with the FDA’s announcement of actions to modernize the 510k process as well. The goals of the FDA Safety Action Plan consist of:

  1. Establish a robust medical device patient safety net in the United States
  2. Explore regulatory options to streamline and modernize timely implementation of postmarket mitigations
  3. Spur innovation towards safer medical devices
  4. Advance medical device cybersecurity
  5. Integrate the Center for Devices and Radiological Health’s (CDRH’s) premarket and postmarket offices and activities to advance the use of a TPLC approach to device safety 

Examples of modernization efforts include the following:

  • Conversion of the remaining Class 3 devices that were designated for the 510k clearance pathway to the PMA approval process instead
  • Use of objective performance standards when bringing new technology to the market
  • Use of more modern predicate devices (i.e., < 10 years old)

In this draft predicate selection guidance, the FDA states that feedback submitted to the docket in 2019 has persuaded the FDA to acknowledge that focusing only on modern predicate devices may not result in optimal safety and effectiveness. Therefore, the FDA is now proposing the approach of encouraging best practices in predicate selection. In addition, the draft guidance proposes increased transparency by identifying the characteristics of technological characteristics used to support a 510k submission.

The FDA did not mention an increased emphasis on risk analysis or risk management in the guidance, but the FDA is modernizing the quality system regulations (i.e., 21 CFR 820) to incorporate ISO 13485:2016 by reference. Since ISO 13485:2016 requires the application of a risk-based approach to all processes, the application of a risk-based approach will also impact the 510k process in multiple ways, such as design controls, supplier controls, process validation, post-market surveillance, and corrective actions. 

Section 3 – Scope of the predicate selection guidance

The draft predicate selection guidance indicates that the scope of the guidance is to be used in conjunction with the FDA’s 510k program guidance. The scope is also not intended to change to applicable statutory or regulatory standards. 

Section 4 – How to use the FDA’s predicate selection guidance

The FDA’s intended use of the predicate selection guidance is to provide submitters with a tool to help them during the predicate selection process. This guidance suggests a specific process for predicate selection. First, the submitter should identify all of the possible legally marketed devices that also have similar indications for use. Second, the submitter should exclude any devices with different technological characteristics if the differences raise new or different issues of risk. The remaining sub-group is referred to in the guidance as “valid predicate device(s).” The third, and final, step of the selection process is to use the four (4) best practices for predicate selection proposed in the guidance. The diagram below provides a visual depiction of the terminology introduced in this guidance.

Visual diagram of terminology in predicate selection guidance 1024x438 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

Section 5 – Best Practices (for predicate selection)

The FDA predicate selection guidance has four (4) best practices recommended for submitters to use when narrowing their list of valid predicate devices to a final potential predicate(s). Prior to using these best practices, you need to create a list of legally marketed devices that could be potential predicates. The following FDA Databases are the most common sources for generating a list of legally marketed devices:

  • Registration & Listing Database
    • Trade names of similar devices (i.e., proprietary name)
    • Manufacturer(s) of similar devices (i.e., owner operator name)
  • 510k Database
    • 510k number of similar devices
    • Applicant Name (i.e., owner operator name) of similar devices
    • Device Name (i.e., trade name) of similar device
  • Device Classification Database
    • Device classification name of similar devices
    • Product Code of similar devices
    • Regulation Number of similar devices

Our team usually uses the Basil Systems Regulatory Database to perform our searches. Basil Systems uses data downloaded directly from the FDA, but the software gives us four advantages over the FDA public databases:

  1. The search engine uses a natural-language algorithm rather than a Boolean search.
  2. The database is much faster than the FDA databases.
  3. The results include analytics regarding the review timelines and a “predicate tree.”
  4. Basil Systems also has a post-market surveillance database that includes all of the FDA adverse events and recall data, but it also includes access to data from Health Canada and the Australian TGA.

A. Predicate devices cleared using well-established methods

Some 510k submissions use the same methods used by a predicate device that was used for their substantial equivalence comparison, while other devices use well-established methods. The reason for this may have been that the 510k submission preceded the release of an FDA product-specific, special controls guidance document. In other cases, the FDA may not have recognized an international standard for the device classification. You can search for recognized international standards associated with a specific device classification by using the FDA’s recognized consensus standards database. An example is provided below.

How to search for FLL recognized standards 1024x712 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

FLL recognized standards 1024x577 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

New 510k submissions should always use the methods identified in FDA guidance documents and refer to recognized international standards instead of copying the methods used to support older 510k submissions that predate the current FDA guidance or recognized standards. The problem with the FDA’s proposed approach is that the FDA is implying that a device that was not tested to the current FDA guidance or recognized standards is inherently not as safe or effective as another device that was tested to the current FDA guidance or recognized standards. This inference may not be true. Therefore, even though this may be a consideration, it is not appropriate to require manufacturers to include this as a predicate selection criterion. The FDA is already taking this into account by requiring companies to comply with the current FDA guidance and recognized standards for device description, labeling, non-clinical performance testing, and other performance testing. An example of how the FDA PreSTAR automatically notifies you of the appropriate FDA special controls guidance for a product classification is provided below.

Screen capture of PreSTAR classification section 1024x792 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

B. Predicate devices meet or exceed expected safety and performance

This best practice identified in the FDA predicate selection guidance recommends that you search through three different FDA databases to identify any reported injury, deaths, or malfunctions of the predicate device. Those three databases are:

  1. MAUDE Database
  2. MDR Database
  3. MedSun Database

All of these databases are helpful, but there are also problems associated with each database. In general, adverse events are underreported, and a more thorough review of post-market surveillance review is needed to accurately assess the safety and performance of any device. The MAUDE data represents reports of adverse events involving medical devices and it is updated weekly. The data consists of all voluntary reports since June 1993, user facility reports since 1991, distributor reports since 1993, and manufacturer reports since August 1996. The MDR Data is no longer updated, but the MDR database allows you to search the CDRH database information on medical devices that may have malfunctioned or caused a death or serious injury during the years 1992 through 1996. Medical Product Safety Network (MedSun) is an adverse event reporting program launched in 2002 by CDRH. The primary goal for MedSun is to work collaboratively with the clinical community to identify, understand, and solve problems with the use of medical devices. The FDA predicate selection guidance, however, does not mention the Total Product Life Cycle (TPLC) database which is a more efficient way to search all of the FDA databases–including the recall database and the 510k database.

The biggest problem with this best practice as a basis for selecting a predicate is that the number of adverse events depends upon the number of devices used each year. For a small manufacturer, the number of adverse events will be very small because there are very few devices in use. For a larger manufacturer, the number of adverse events will be larger–even though it may represent less than 0.1% of sales. Finally, not all companies report adverse events when they are required to, while some companies may over-report adverse events. None of these possibilities is taken into consideration in the FDA’s draft predicate selection guidance.

C. Predicate devices without unmitigated use-related or design-related safety issues

For the third best practice, the FDA predicate selection guidance recommends that submitters search the Medical Device Safety database and CBER Safety & Availability (Biologics) database to identify any “emerging signals” that may indicate a new causal association between a device and an adverse event(s). As with all of the FDA database searches, this information is useful as an input to the design process, because it helps to identify known hazards associated with similar devices. However, a more thorough review of post-market surveillance review is needed to accurately assess the safety and performance of any device–including searching databases from other countries where similar devices are marketed.

D. Predicate devices without an associated design-related recall

For the fourth best practice, the FDA predicate selection guidance recommends that submitters search the FDA recalls database. As stated above, the TPLC database includes this information for each product classification. Of the four best practices recommended by the FDA, any predicate device that was to a design-related recall is unlikely to be accepted by the FDA as a suitable predicate device. Therefore, this search should be conducted during the design planning phase or while design inputs are being identified. If you are unable to identify another predicate device that was not the subject of a design-related recall, then you should request a pre-submission meeting with the FDA and provide a justification for the use of the predicate device that was recalled. Your justification will need to include an explanation of the risk controls that were implemented to prevent a similar malfunction or use error with your device. Often recalls result from quality problems associated with a supplier that did not make a product to specifications or some other non-conformity associated with the assembly, test, packaging, or labeling of a device. None of these problems should automatically exclude the use of a predicate because they are not specific to the design.

Section 6 – Improving Transparency

This section of the FDA predicate selection guidance contains the most controversial recommendations. The FDA is proposing that the 510k summary in 510k submissions should include a narrative explaining their selection of the predicate device(s) used to support the 510k clearance. This would be a new requirement for the completion of a 510k summary because that information is not currently included in 510k summaries. The new FDA eSTAR has the ability to automatically generate a 510k summary as part of the submission (see example below), but the 510k summary generated by the eSTAR does not include a section for including a narrative explaining the reasons for predicate selection.

Sections of the 510k summary that are automatically populated in the eSTAR 1024x544 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

The FDA added this section to the draft guidance with the goals of improving the predictability, consistency, and transparency of the 510k pre-market review process. However, the proposed addition of a narrative explaining the reasons for predicate selection is not the best way to achieve those goals. Transparency is best achieved by eliminating the option of a 510k statement (i.e., 21 CFR 807.93). Currently, the 510k process allows for submitters to provide a 510k statement or a 510k summary. The 510k statement prevents the public from gaining access to any of the information that would be provided in a 510k summary. Therefore, if the narrative explaining the reasons for predicate selection is going to be required in a 510k submission, that new requirement should be added to the substantial equivalence section of the eSTAR instead of only including it in the 510k summary. If the 510k statement is eliminated as an option for submitters, then all submitters will be required to provide a 510k summary and the explanation for the predicate selection can be copied from a text box in the substantial equivalence section.

The FDA eSTAR ensures consistency of the 510k submission contents and format, and tracking of FDA performance has improved the consistency of the FDA 510k review process. Adding an explanation for predicate selection will not impact either of these goals for improving the 510k process. In addition, companies do not select predicates only for the reasons indicated in this FDA predicate selection guidance. One of the most common reasons for selecting a predicate is the cost of purchasing samples of predicate devices for side-by-side performance testing. This only relates to cost, not safety or performance, and forcing companies to purchase more expensive devices for testing would not align with the least burdensome approach. Another flaw in this proposed additional information to be included in the 510k summary is that there is a huge variation in the number of predicates that can be selected for different product classifications. For example, 319 devices were cleared in the past 10 years for the FLL product classification (i.e., clinical electronic thermometer), while 35 devices were cleared in the past 10 years for the LCX product classification (i.e., pregnancy test). Therefore, the approach to selecting a predicate for these two product classifications would be significantly different due to the number of valid predicates to choose from. This makes it very difficult to create a predictable or consistent process for predicate selection across all product classifications. There may also be confidential, strategic reasons for predicate selection that would not be appropriate for a 510k summary.

Section 7 – Examples

The FDA predicate selection guidance provides three examples. In each example, the FDA is suggesting that the submitter should provide a table that lists the valid predicate devices and compare those devices in a table using the four best practices as criteria for the final selection. The FDA is positioning this as providing more transparency to the public, but this information presented in the way the FDA is presenting it would not be useful to the public. This is creating more documentation for companies to submit to the FDA without making devices safer or improving efficacy. This approach would be a change in the required content of a 510k summary and introduce post-market data as criteria for 510k clearance. This is a significant deviation from the current FDA policy.

Example 1 from predicate selection guidance

In this example, the submitter included a table in their 510k submission, along with their rationale for selecting one of the four potential predicates as the predicate device used to support their 510k submission. This example is the most concerning because the summary doesn’t have any details regarding the volume of sales for the potential predicates being evaluated. The number of adverse events and recalls is usually correlated with the volume of sales. The proposed table doesn’t account for this information.

Example 2 from predicate selection guidance

In this example, the submitter was only able to identify one potential, valid predicate device. The submitter provided a table showing that the predicate did not present concerns for three of the four best practices, but the predicate was the subject of a design-related recall. The submitter also explained the measures taken to reduce the risk of those safety concerns in the subject device. As stated above, using the occurrence of a recall as the basis for excluding a predicate is not necessarily appropriate. Most recalls are initiated due to reasons other than the design. Therefore, you need to make sure that the reason for the recall is design-related rather than a quality system compliance issue or a vendor quality issue.

Example 3 from predicate selection guidance

In this example, the submitter identified two potential, valid predicate devices. No safety concerns were identified using any of the four best practices, but the two potential devices have different market histories. One device has 15 years of history, and the second device has three years of history. The submitter chose the device with 15 years of history because the subject device had a longer regulatory history. The problem with this approach is that years since clearance is not an indication of regulatory history. A device can be cleared in 2008, but it might not be launched commercially until several years later. In addition, the number of devices used may be quite small for a small company. In contrast, if the product with three years since the 510k clearance is distributed by a major medical device company, there may be thousands of devices in use every year. 

Medical Device Academy’s recommendations for predicate selection

The following information consists of recommendations our consulting firm provides to clients regarding predicate selection.

Try to use only one predicate (i.e., a primary predicate)

Once you have narrowed down a list of predicates, we generally recommend only using one of the options as a primary predicate and avoiding the use of a second predicate unless absolutely necessary. If you are unsure of whether a second predicate or reference device is needed, this is an excellent question to ask the FDA during a pre-submission teleconference under the topic of “regulatory strategy” (see image below). In your PreSTAR you can ask the following question, “[Your company name] is proposing to use [primary predicate] as a primary predicate. A) Does the FDA have any concerns with the predicate selection? B) Does the FDA feel that a secondary predicate or reference device is needed?”

PreSTAR Topic Selection 1024x330 Predicate selection guidance proposes controversial additions

When and how to use multiple predicates

Recently a client questioned me about the use of a secondary predicate in a 510k submission that I was preparing. They were under the impression that only one predicate was allowed for a 510k submission because the FDA considers the two predicate devices to be a “split predicate.” The video provided above explains the definition of a “split predicate,” and the definition refers to more than the use of two predicates. For many of the 510k submissions, we prepared and obtained clearance for used secondary predicates. An even more common strategy is to use a second device as a reference device. The second device may only have technological characteristics in common with the subject device, but the methods of safety and performance testing used can be adopted as objective performance standards for your 510k submission.

When you are trying to use multiple predicate devices to demonstrate substantial equivalence to your subject device in a 510k submission, you have three options for the correct use of multiple predicate devices:

  1. Two predicates with different technological characteristics, but the same intended use.
  2. A device with more than one intended use.
  3. A device with more than one indication under the same intended use.

If you use “option 1”, then your subject device must have the technological characteristics of both predicate devices. For example, your device has Bluetooth capability, and it uses infrared technology to measure temperature, while one of the two predicates has Bluetooth but uses a thermistor, and the other predicate uses infrared measurement but does not have Bluetooth.

If you use “option 2”, you are combining the features of two different devices into one device. For example, one predicate device is used to measure temperature, and the other predicate device is used to measure blood pressure. Your device, however, can perform both functions. You might have chosen another multi-parameter monitor on the market as your predicate, however, you may not be able to do that if none of the multi-parameter monitors have the same combination of intended uses and technological characteristics. This scenario is quite common when a new technology is introduced for monitoring, and none of the multi-parameter monitors are using the new technology yet.

If you use “option 3”, you need to be careful that the ability of your subject device to be used for a second indication does not compromise the performance of the device for the first indication. For example, bone fixation plates are designed for the fixation of bone fractures. If the first indication is for long bones, and the second indication is for small bones in the wrist, the size and strength of the bone fixation plate may not be adequate for long bones, or the device may be too large for the wrist.

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What is MDUFA V?

MDUFA V is the agreement between the FDA and the medical device industry to fund the review of medical device submissions by the FDA.

What is MDUFA V?

The Medical Device User Fee and Modernization Act (MDUFMA or MDUFA) is a set of agreements between the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the medical device industry to provide funds for the Office of Device Evaluations (ODE) to review medical device submissions. FDA user fees were first authorized via MDUFMA in 2002 for FY 2003. Each MDUFA reauthorization has lasted five years, and FY 2023 will be the 21st year.

How are the MDUFA V user fees decided?

Section 738A(b)(1) of the FD&C Act requires that the FDA consult with various stakeholders, including representatives from patient and consumer advocacy groups, healthcare professionals, and scientific and academic experts, to develop recommendations for the next MDUFA five-year cycle. The FDA initiated the reauthorization process by holding a public meeting on October 27, 2020, where stakeholders and other public members could present their views on the reauthorization. The following is a list of the four industry groups represented in the MDUFA V negotiations with the FDA:

The FD&C Act further requires that the FDA continue meeting with the representatives of patient and consumer advocacy groups at least once every month during negotiations with the regulated industry to continue discussing stakeholder views on the reauthorization and their suggestions for changes.

What are FDA user fees?

At the very core of it, the FDA user fees fund the FDA Office of Device Evaluation (ODE) budget. Without these user fees, the FDA cannot begin reviewing a medical device submission. This includes 510k, PMA, and De Novo submissions. Before the FDA assigns a reviewer to your submission, you must pay the appropriate device user fee in full unless eligible for a waiver or exemption. If you pay the user fee by credit card, you must allow a few extra days for the user fee to clear. Otherwise, your submission will be placed on “User Fee Hold.” Small businesses may qualify for a reduced fee. The FDA announced the FY 2024 FDA User Fees on July 28, 2023. The FDA will announce the user fees for FY 2025 in a Federal Register notice next August 2024.

When does MDUFA V take effect?

Our team regularly checked the announcement of the MDUFA V user fees from August until the October 5, 2022 announcement. The announcement of the FY 2023 user fees was delayed because Congress did not approve the MDUFA reauthorization until the last week of September. The new user fees were initially expected to take effect on October 1, 2022, but the announcement of actual user fees for 2022 was announced on October 5, 2022. This was two months later than expected.

Why was MDUFA V delayed, and will it happen again?

MDUFA V was delayed because the user fee reauthorization requires an act of Congress. The House of Representatives approved the Food and Drug Amendments of 2022 on June 8, 2022. However, the Senate did not file a bill until after the August recess. There were also differences between the legislation the House and the Senate proposed. Therefore, to ensure that the FDA did not have to furlough employees when MDUFA IV funding expired, the President approved and signed a temporary reauthorization on September 30, 2022. The short-term continuing resolution is a temporary stopgap to fund the FDA until December 16, 2022. However, the continuing resolution covers funding for medical device user fees through September 30, 2027. Therefore, the device industry can expect the FDA to continue to operate regardless of the outcome of temporary policies that expire this December. Still, similar delays occurred with previous MDUFA reauthorization, and we expect more of the same US partisan politics between August 2027 and the November 2027 election.

How much did MDUFA V user fees increase?

The increase is dependent upon the fee type. Annual registration fees are increasing by 14.47% (i.e., $5,672 to $6,493). The MDUFA V user fees increased by a stupendous amount (+55.90%) from $12,745 to $19,870 for the 510k user fees. Yikes! De Novo Classification Requests increased by 17.79% from $112,457 to $132,464. Other submissions increased by similar amounts. For more details, check out the table below (also posted on our homepage).

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FDA User Fee FY 2023 represents a 55.90% increase in the 510(k) user fee

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Do user fees ever decrease?

If we lived in a magical world where gas prices dropped and stayed low, the inflation-adjusted pricing would decrease for FDA user fees. That has happened once, but I fit into skinny jeans once too. The increase in FDA user fees from FY 2023 to FY 2024 was 9.5%, except the Annual Registration Fee, which increased by 17.87% to $7,653.

Why is August 1st important?

August 1st is the first day the FDA accepts Small Business Certification Requests for the new fiscal year. That means any small business that wants to keep small business status needs to reapply, and any new business that qualifies for small business status must also apply. The importance of applying for small business status is how much you could save on your submission. The FDA will complete its review of the Small Business Certification Request within 60 calendar days of receipt. Upon completion of the review by the FDA, the FDA will send you a decision letter with your small business designation number or a justification for denial.

Does small business status expire?

Yes, small business status expires. The small business status expires on September 30 of the fiscal year it is granted. A new MDUFA Small Business Certification Request must be submitted and approved each fiscal year to qualify as a small business. If you forget to reapply for small business status on August 1, you can reapply anytime during the year. Still, you will temporarily lose small business status from October 1 until the qualification is renewed. The good news is there is no fee associated with submitting a Small Business Certification Request. For more information, please visit our webpage dedicated to small business qualifications.

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FDA Pre-Submission Format and Content Requirements

The format and content requirements for an FDA pre-submission have not changed, but the launch of the FDA PreSTAR has changed everything.

What is an FDA pre-submission?

An FDA pre-submission aims to get answers to questions you have about a future FDA submission. The pre-submission may consist of one large PDF document or multiple PDF documents. In your pre-submission, you must select either an email response or an email response with a teleconference. One advantage of choosing a teleconference is that you can ask clarifying questions during a one-hour teleconference with the FDA. Still, you are responsible for submitting draft meeting minutes to the FDA within 15 days of the teleconference. If you select an email response, you do not need to provide meeting minutes to the FDA.

Our new 4-part FDA pre-submission webinar series is available on-demand. You can download it and watch it as many times as you want. This will be the Ultimate FDA pre-submission training. Do not miss it.

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Everyone asks us for examples, so we will show you how to complete the entire FDA PreSTAR for a device in this webinar series. If you would like to vote on which device we should use as an example (i.e., Option 1 = Infrared Thermometer or Option 2 = Antimicrobial Gauze), please place your vote on our LinkedIn page.

What is the difference between an FDA pre-submission and a Q-submission?

Every FDA pre-submission is a Q-submission, but not all Q-submissions are pre-submissions. The new PreSTAR template is currently limited to an FDA pre-submission, but the template will be expanded to other types of Q-subs later. The FDA pre-submission template (i.e., PreSTAR) beta version 0.1 is unnecessary for responses to interactive review questions from the FDA. Just email the Lead Reviewer (file size limit is 25 MB for email).

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Unfortunately, the beta version 0.1 is also not ready for Submission-in-Review (SIR) meetings or responses to IDE during an interactive review.No SIRs or IDEs 1024x390 FDA Pre Submission Format and Content Requirements

13 other types of submissions might benefit from Q-submissions:

  1. Submission Issue Requests (SIRs)
  2. Study Risk Determinations
  3. Informational Meetings
  4. Breakthrough Device Designation Requests
  5. Informational Meetings
  6. PMA Day 100 meetings
  7. Agreement and Determination meetings
  8. Submissions associated with the STeP program
  9. Accessory classification requests
  10. Requests for FDA feedback on specific questions or cross-cutting policy matters
  11. Requests for recognition of publicly accessible genetic variant databases
  12. Combination product agreement meetings (CPAM), and
  13. Feedback on FDA 483 inspection observations.

We expect the PreSTAR template to eventually be available for a 513(g) request in the future because it was already validated for that purpose.

What is the Q-submission number?

All Q-submissions are assigned a document number beginning with “Q” upon receipt (i.e., Qyyxxxx). The format of the number consists of 2-digits (i.e., “yy”) for the year of submission (e.g., “23” for 2023) and 4-digits (i.e., “xxxx”) that are the following sequential number assigned by the FDA for that calendar year. Therefore, the first Q-submission received by the FDA in January 2023 is Q230001, and between 3,500 and 4,000 new submissions are usually received each year. If the subject device was submitted in a previous Q-submission, the original document number is re-used, and a supplement number is added (i.e., Qyyxxx/S001, Qyyxxx/S002, etc.). Q-submission numbering is explained in more detail in the 2023 FDA guidance.

Does the FDA charge for Q-submissions?

FDA pre-submissions do not require paying an FDA User Fee (i.e., $0).

How long does an FDA pre-submission take?

The days of squishing timelines are gone. The timeline is 70-75 calendar days. On October 5, 2022, MDUFA V was approved. As one of the MDUFA V decision targets, the FDA is tasked with reducing the timeline for responding to pre-sub questions within 70 days for 90% of pre-sub requests. The FDA is tasked with achieving this goal by March 2024. If they are successful, the FDA will receive an increase of 59 headcounts to their budget in 2024. This is approximately a $19 million incentive to respond to your pre-submission meeting questions within 70 days. To reflect these new MDUFA V decision targets, the FDA updated the Q-Sub guidance document to reflect the target date of 70 days for the email response and 75 days for teleconference meetings. The FDA also updated the Customer Collaboration Portal (CCP) to facilitate tracking of FDA pre-submission deadlines.

What is an FDA PreSTAR?

In the past, you had to create your document(s) for an FDA pre-submission. Some people create one large PDF document divided into sections, while others create separate PDF documents for each requirement of the FDA pre-submission guidance. On August 14, 2023, the FDA released an updated beta version (i.e., version 0.2) of a new PDF template (i.e., FDA PreSTAR). This new PreSTAR template provides multiple benefits to the FDA:

  1. every company uses the same format,
  2. the template automatically verifies that the pre-submission includes all required elements, and
  3. Including optional elements will encourage companies to provide more device details than they might otherwise provide.

The PreSTAR also benefits submitters:

  1. you will never forget the required elements of the FDA pre-submission,
  2. you never have to validate an FDA eCopy, and
  3. the similar format and user interface will train you to use the FDA eSTAR.

Note: October 1, 2023, was the FDA eSTAR implementation deadline. 

Do you have to use the PreSTAR template?

Nope. The PreSTAR version 0.2 is a beta version and 100% optional. However, I like it better than my templates. Your design team can still have individual documents for the user manual, device description, and testing plan. We attach the document using the button that says “Add Attachment” (see screen capture below).

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The PreSTAR template was built by Patrick Macatangga, a Tools & Templates Engineer working at the FDA on the Lifecycle Tools and Templates Team. To help with where to direct questions about the template, he suggested:

  • If you have questions or feedback regarding the voluntary use of the eSTAR for medical devices regulated by CDRH, or if you have general questions about medical devices, contact the Division of Industry and Consumer Education (DICE).
  • If you find malfunctions or errors in the eSTAR template for medical devices regulated by CDRH, contact eSubPilot@fda.hhs.gov.
  • If you have questions regarding 510(k)s, De Novo requests, or Early Submission Requests for medical devices regulated by CDRH, contact OPEQSubmissionSupport@fda.hhs.gov.

How do you submit an eCopy?

You can submit an FDA eCopy on electronic media (e.g., USB flash drive) and send it via FedEx to the FDA Document Center at the following address: Food and Drug Administration, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Document Mail Center, 10903 New Hampshire Ave., Bldg. 66, rm. G609, Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002. However, you can also submit an FDA eCopy via a web browser (i.e., CCP…see next section on submitting a PreSTAR).

If you are submitting an eCopy through the CCP instead of an FDA PreSTAR

How do you submit a PreSTAR?

You have two options for delivery of an FDA pre-submission:

  1. save the pre-sub on electronic media (e.g., USB flash drive) and send it via FedEx to the FDA, and
  2. upload the pre-sub to the new FDA Customer Collaboration Portal (CCP).

As you can guess from the video above, we only use option 2 for FDA pre-submissions. For option 2, you can upload an eCopy (saved as a zip file) or a PreSTAR (in the native PDF format). The image below shows you how this is done, but the uploading process usually takes about one minute–depending on your file size and bandwidth. You can register for your own CCP account in seconds.

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What is the pre-submission process?

Preparing and uploading your FDA pre-submission meeting request is only the first step of the process. You will receive an automated email confirming that your pre-submission was successfully uploaded. Then, you will receive an automated letter via email that gives you the assigned Q-sub number. You will also receive an automated email notifying you that the pre-submission was accepted, or the FDA reviewer will contact you if changes are needed. The FDA reviewer assigned will usually contact you by email within the first three weeks to schedule a teleconference if you request one. Still, the date/time offered usually does not match the availability of the FDA team, and alternate dates/times may be offered.

You will receive an email response from the FDA for each of your questions within 70 days of receipt by the FDA. If you requested a teleconference, it would typically be about 75 after receipt of the FDA pre-submission meeting request. Your team needs to prepare a detailed discussion plan for the one-hour teleconference. A slide deck is highly recommended to facilitate communication but is not required. If you provide a slide deck, you should email it to the reviewer before the meeting. You must also provide a copy of the slide deck with your meeting minutes. At the beginning of the teleconference, someone from your team must commit to submitting draft meeting minutes to the FDA within 15 days. The FDA will reply with acceptance of your meeting minutes, or they will provide an edited version. It is also common to submit a supplement FDA pre-submission with detailed protocols and new questions for the FDA.

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Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Medical Devices

The FDA released a new draft guidance document about artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) functions in medical devices.

What is a predetermined change control plan for artificial intelligence (AI) software?

The new FDA guidance is specific to predetermined change control plans for marketing submissions. The guidance was released on March 30, 2023, but the document is dated April 3, 2023. The draft guidance applies to artificial intelligence (AI) or Machine Learning-Enabled Device Software Functions (ML-DSF), including modifications automatically implemented by the software and modifications to the models implemented manually.

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A PCCP must be authorized through 510k, De Novo, or PMA pathways, as appropriate. The purpose of including a PCCP in a marketing submission is to seek premarket authorization for these intended device modifications without necessitating additional marketing submissions for each change described in the PCCP.

How do you determine if a 510k is required for a device modification, and how would a PCCP affect this?

Currently, there are three guidance documents relating to the evaluation of changes and determination if a new premarket submission is required:

These guidance documents will still be the first steps in evaluating changes. Only changes specific to artificial intelligence (AI) or ML-DSF that would result in a new pre-market submission could be subject to a PCCP.

Examples of Employing AI/ML-DSF PCCPs

  • Retraining a model with more data to improve device performance while maintaining or increasing sensitivity. If this type of change is pre-approved in the PCCP, the labeling can be updated to reflect the improved performance once the change has been implemented. 
  • Extending the scope of compatible hardware with a device system. For example, if the algorithm was initially trained using one specific camera, ultrasound, defined parameter, etc., then a PCCP could add additional cameras/ultrasounds/modified parameters. 
  • Retraining a model to optimize site-specific performance for a specific subset of patients with a particular condition for whom sufficient data was unavailable. The PCCP could expand the indications once such data were available.

What is the difference between a locked vs. adaptive algorithm?

A locked algorithm is a software function involving human input, action, review, and/or decision-making before implementation. Once the algorithm is designed and implemented, it cannot be changed without modifying the source code.

Locked algorithms contrast with adaptive/automatic algorithms, where the software will implement changes without human intervention. The adaptive/automatic algorithms are designed to adjust according to changing input conditions. The adaptive/automatic algorithm is designed to recognize patterns in the input data and adjust its processing accordingly.

Typically locked algorithms apply to fixed functions such as a decision tree, static look-up table, or complex classifier. For AI/ML-DSF, manually implemented algorithms may involve training the algorithm on a new dataset or serving a new function. Once the training is complete, the algorithm will be implemented into the software. Adaptive algorithms are programmed such that their behavior changes over time as it is run based on the information it processes.

As it relates to a PCCP, the detailed description of the intended modifications needs to specify which algorithm type is being modified.

What is included in a PCCP for artificial intelligence (AI) software?

A PCCP should consist of:

  • Detailed Description of Intended Modifications
  • Modification Protocol describing the verification and validation activities, including pre-defined acceptance criteria
  • Impact Assessment identifying the benefits and risks introduced by the changes

The detailed description of the intended modifications should list each proposed device modification and the rationale for each change. If changes require labeling modifications, that should also be described. It should also be clearly stated whether or not the proposed change is intended to be implemented automatically or manually. The description should describe whether the change will be implemented globally across all devices on the market or locally, specific to different devices based on the unique characteristics of the device’s patient or clinical site.

The types of modifications that are appropriate for a PCCP include modifications related to quantitative measurements of ML-DSF performance specifications, changes related to device inputs, and limited modifications relating to the device’s use and performance. The draft guidance provides some examples of each of those modification types. 

The content of the modification protocol section requires a description of planned data management practices relating to the reference standard and annotation process, a description of re-training practices and processing steps, performance evaluation methods and acceptance criteria, and internal procedures for implementing updates. 

The impact assessment is the documentation of the evaluation of the benefits and risks of implementing the PCCP for the software. Any controls or mitigations of the risks should be described in this section. 

Appendix A of the draft guidance includes example elements of modification protocol components for ML-DSFs. Appendix B includes examples of ML-DSF scenarios employing PCCPs.

If, at some point, the manufacturer wants to make changes to the content of the PCCP relating to either the modifications described or the methods used to validate those changes, that generally would require a new marketing submission for the device. 

Utilizing a PCCP in your QMS Change Control System

When evaluating and implementing changes, the manufacturer shall do so in accordance with their Quality Management System change control processes. This should require a review of planned modifications against the FDA guidance documents for evaluating changes and the PCCP. For the change to be acceptable under the PCCP, it must be specified in the Description of Modifications and implemented in conformance with the methods and specifications described in the Modification Protocol. A new premarket submission is required if it does not meet those requirements.

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How quickly will RTA policy take effect for cybersecurity devices?

Breaking news! The FDA just released new guidance on the refusal to accept (RTA) policy for cybersecurity devices.

Picture of new FDA guidance on RTA policy for cybersecurity devices 838x1024 How quickly will RTA policy take effect for cybersecurity devices?

Where can I find the new cybersecurity devices guidance?

The new guidance is titled “Cybersecurity in Medical Devices: Refuse to Accept Policy for Cyber Devices and Related Systems Under Section 524B of the FD&C Act,” and you can download a copy of the PDF directly from our website. This is the first time the FDA has created a definition for a “cyber device,” but this guidance is specific to the refusal to accept policy (RTA) rather than guidance for the format and content of pre-market notification (i.e., 510k) If you want to learn about new guidance documents as they are released, we recommend that you sign up for FDA email notifications. If you want to be notified of when our new blogs are posted, subscribe to our blog email notification list on this page.

What is a “cyber device” in the context of this cybersecurity devices guidance and submissions?

This new guidance defines “cyber device” using the following language:

  1. includes software validated, installed, or authorized by the sponsor as a device or in a device;
  2. has the ability to connect to the internet; and
  3. contains any such technological characteristics validated, installed, or authorized by the sponsor that could be vulnerable to cybersecurity threats.

What does “refusal to accept” (RTA) mean?

“Refusal to accept” or (RTA) is a policy that the FDA implemented for pre-market notification submissions (i.e., 510k) in 2012. The process occurs during the first 15 calendar days of the FDA review process. The FDA assigns a preliminary reviewer to perform the RTA screening of the submission, and the person completes an RTA checklist. The FDA substitutes an RTA screening with a technical screening for FDA eSTAR templates, and this is one of the reasons why Medical Device Academy uses the FDA eSTAR templates for all 510k submissions and De Novo classification requests instead of using the older 510k format and content requirements with 20 sections.

When will the FDA begin rejecting submissions during the RTA processes?

The FDA states directly in the guidance document that they will not reject submissions for cybersecurity for the balance of FY 2023 (i.e., before October 1, 2023). The wording used by the FDA is: “The FDA generally intends not to issue “refuse to accept” (RTA) decisions for premarket submissions for cyber devices that are submitted before October 1, 2023, based solely on information required by section 524B of the FD&C Act. Instead, the FDA will work collaboratively with sponsors of such premarket submissions as part of the interactive and/or deficiency review process.” We believe the FDA will update the eSTAR template to include requirements for cybersecurity on October 1, 2023. It will not be possible to submit a 510k that does not include the cybersecurity requirements in future eSTAR templates, because the eSTAR automatically verifies the completion of each section in the template.

Will there be another cybersecurity guidance released soon?

The FDA announced last October that a new cybersecurity guidance would be replacing the 2014 final guidance for cybersecurity. A draft was released in 2018, and an updated draft was released in 2022. The final updated guidance is included in the A-list of FDA priorities for final guidance documents, but the updated final version has not been released yet. The FDA webpage for cybersecurity was updated to include this new guidance on RTA policy for cybersecurity devices. We believe this indicates that the updated final version will be released soon. When it is released, we will publish a new blog about that guidance.

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