CE Mark

Identification mark indicating that a medical device is approved for distribution in the EEA, Switzerland and Turkey (i.e. – EU or Europe).

Which Countries Require CE Marking of Medical Devices?


28 Member States 2013 Which Countries Require CE Marking of Medical Devices?

This blog serves as a reference guide with a discussion of information resources and a list of which countries require CE marking of medical devices.

You can locate the current list of countries requiring CE Marking of medical devices by visiting the list of Competent Authorities (CAs) on the Europa webpage (http://bit.ly/ContactPoints). That page has 33 national CAs identified. CAs are the US FDA equivalent in the European Union (EU). In addition to member states in the EU, the CAs list also includes signatories (i.e., – countries that have signed the 1985 Schengen Agreement to allow people to pass between countries with no border controls) and EU candidate member states. For the most current status of candidate member states and potential candidate member states, you can visit the following Europa webpage: (https://european-union.europa.eu/principles-countries-history_en). As of September 21, 2013, the status of the 33 CAs is categorized in the list at the end of this blog posting.

Australia-EU Mutual Recognition Agreement

In addition to the 33 countries listed below, the Australia Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) has a mutual recognition agreement with the EU—the EC MRA (http://bit.ly/TGA-EU-MRA). This agreement, however, has limitations. The deal includes a rule of origin clause that excludes products manufactured outside the EU and Australia. Other restrictions include:

  • Radioactive medical devices
  • High-Risk, Class III devices
  • Excluded barrier contraceptives, including condoms
  • Devices, including medicinal and those of biological origin

Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), you can begin the medical device registration process if your company has regulatory approval from one of the founding members of the Global Harmonization Task Force (GHTF). The five founding members are 1) the USA, requiring a 510(k) or PMA; 2) Canada, requiring a Medical Device License; 3) Europe, requiring CE Marking; 4) Australia, requiring Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG); and 5) Japan, requiring Japanese Pharmaceutical Affairs Law (JPAL) certification or approval. The next step is to select an Authorized Representative in the KSA and submit a Medical Device Marketing Authorization (MDMA) application. For low and medium-risk device classifications (i.e., – Class I, IIa, and IIb), you may begin marketing your device in the KSA before obtaining formal regulatory approval (this regulation is subject to potential change) for higher-risk devices (i.e., – Class III), you must first obtain MDMA certification before distribution of the device in the KSA. The medical device regulations for the KSA are interim regulations. You can verify the current regulations by visiting the Saudi Food and Drug Authority (SFDA) website (http://bit.ly/SFDAMedicalDevices).

Other Countries

Many other countries have alternate, abbreviated processes similar to Australia and the KSA if your medical device is already approved by one of the GHTF countries. Often, this is stated as “country of origin approval.” Countries recognizing country of origin approval that offer an abbreviated approval process include Argentina, Singapore, China, etc. These countries do not merely “rubber stamp” the approval, but the approval process is less rigorous.

A CE certificate is insufficient if your product is manufactured in the US but you do not have a PMA or 510(k) issued by the US FDA. Your company must establish a country of origin status in Europe to take advantage of the abbreviated approval processes. This is sometimes done by establishing a European facility, but the CE certificate must be issued to the European facility. Other workarounds have been developed, but that is beyond the scope of this blog.

2 EU Candidate Member States with Competent Authorities

These two countries below are candidate member states for joining the EU. These countries are not signatories, but both countries have established a competent authority for reporting recalls and vigilance related to medical devices distributed within their borders. Turkey has also established four Notified Bodies.

  1. Iceland
  2. Turkey

3 EEA Signatories with Competent Authorities

For a long time, Switzerland was neither a member of the EU nor a signatory. However, in 2008, Switzerland became the 25th country to sign the Schengen Agreement, allowing people to pass between countries without border controls. All three countries below have established a competent authority. Switzerland has established five Notified Bodies, and Norway has two.

  1. Liechtenstein
  2. Norway
  3. Switzerland

28 EU Member States with Competent Authorities

The list below identifies the 28 members of the EU. The date in parenthesis is the year that each member joined the EU. These countries have competent authorities that regulate medical devices, and many of these countries have established Notified Bodies. Germany, Italy, and the UK have the most significant Notified Bodies.

  1. Austria (1995)
  2. Belgium (1952)
  3. Bulgaria (2007)
  4. Croatia (2013)
  5. Cyprus (2004)
  6. Czech Republic (2004)
  7. Denmark (1973)
  8. Estonia (2004)
  9. Finland (1995)
  10. France (1952)
  11. Germany (1952)
  12. Greece (1981)
  13. Hungary (2004)
  14. Ireland (1973)
  15. Italy (1952)
  16. Latvia (2004)
  17. Lithuania (2004)
  18. Luxembourg (1952)
  19. Malta (2004)
  20. Netherlands (1952)
  21. Poland (2004)
  22. Portugal (1986)
  23. Romania (2007)
  24. Slovakia (2004)
  25. Slovenia (2004)
  26. Spain (1986)
  27. Sweden (1995)
  28. United Kingdom (1973)

Which Countries Require CE Marking of Medical Devices? Read More »

What is a MEDDEV?

The author defines what a MEDDEV is, recent updates, and information resources to learn more.

The most important part of my website is “Helpful Links.” These are the links that I use most in Regulatory Affairs. It started as an auditor’s toolbox, but now I am morphing it into a place to review updates to regulatory requirements and external standards. The MEDDEV’s are on the top of my list. These are the guidance documents written by Competent Authorities. Still, most of the Notified Bodies treat them as requirements and often write nonconformities against at least one of them: MEDDEV 2.12/1 – Medical Device Vigilance System.

Many companies rely on RSS feeds to keep them current on the latest external standards, but this doesn’t work for a MEDDEV. For MEDDEV’s, your best bet is to go to the source. Sure, you can hire a consultant that will try and keep you current. You can also wait until your NB auditor lets you know the hard way (i.e.,. – time to write another administrative CAPA).

For those of you who don’t know the source, it is my #1 “Helpful Link”:


When asked how to keep current, my advice is to have a systematic process for checking various sources of external documents. At a minimum, you should be checking all of the possible sources just before each Management Review. This will give you something to include for the requirement in clause 5.6.2h) of the ISO 13485:2003 Standard. “More preferably,” as lawyers would say, check out the website link above at least once per month. For those of you that are completely out of touch, and those that just fell off the University hayride, the following explains why you can’t get away with saying:

“There haven’t been any new or revised regulatory requirements since the last Management Review.”

MEDDEV Updates

There were several updates to the MEDDEVs released as supporting documents for the M5 version of the MDD (93/42/EEC as modified by 2007/47/EC). Specifically, there were four in December 2009 and one in June 2010. Then there were two more MEDDEVs released in December 2010 related to clinical study requirements in Europe. In January 2012, another six MEDDEVs were released, and one more was released in March. Not all of these updates apply to every company, but every RA professional working on CE Marked products has been busy readying themselves to sleep at night.

I could spend some time here telling you a couple of sentences about each of these new MEDDEVs, but someone already did that for me:


One fellow blogger indicated that the MEDDEV 2.5/10, about Authorized Representatives (ARs), was disruptive:


I don’t agree with Erik Vollebregt about it being disruptive. Erik feels that we can all expect substantial revisions in the AR contracts, but I think the Germany AR’s I have worked with were already moving in this direction. Emergo has been a strong AR all along—with a distinctly more friendly Dutch style to their processes. In the end, I just don’t see Notified Bodies (NBs), making these contracts a priority initiative. I think we’ll see more auditors verifying that contracts are in place and current, but I don’t expect auditors to receive guidance on how to review contracts anytime soon.

The real changes will be in the smaller AR’s that are not European Association of Authorized Representatives (EAAR) members. The Competent Authorities (CAs) have been knocking on the door of various “wannabee” AR’s for a few years now. I think they have done an excellent job of shutting down illegitimate representatives, and the member companies of EAAR (http://www.eaarmed.org/) have done well in raising awareness. The next logical step was to provide some guidance so that there is more consistency among the ARs. I see this as just the beginning of the CA’s moving toward one approach.

Erik wrote another article about MEDDEV 2.12/2 on the subject of Post-Market Clinical Follow-up (PMCF):


Erik just touched on this MEDDEV briefly, but if your company is a manufacturer of a Class III device that is CE Marked—YOU NEED TO READ THIS MEDDEV!

MEDDEV Whitepaper

As in all things post-market related, BSI has taken the lead by publishing an article that is almost as long as the original MEDDEV. This white paper was written by Dr. Hamish Forster, BSI’s Orthopedic & Dental Product Expert, and the document is called “The Post-Market Priority.” I think you can only obtain a copy of this white paper by requesting it from BSI online, but the customer service person that follows up is quite polite.

BSI’s leadership role in PMCF is not new, either. Gert Bos gave a presentation that highlighted the importance of PMCF back on March 31, 2010:


My advice for anyone that has a Class III device that is CE Marked is to read this MEDDEV a few times, Annex X 1.1c of the MDD, read the whitepaper, and review these presentations by Gert Bos. This will help you prepare for what is coming. For those of you that think you know something about PMCF and have justified why your company doesn’t need to do it, think again. You should review the 16 bullet points in the MEDDEV on pages 14 and 15 (17 bullets in the whitepaper, but one was just split into two parts). Identify how many of these points apply to your Class III device. The more points that apply to your product, the more extensive the NB’s will expect your PMCF plans to be.


What is a MEDDEV? Read More »

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