Opening Meetings Webinar

The opening meetings webinar includes ISO 19011:2018 requirements, but we also focus on special considerations for conducting remote audits.

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What you will learn in the Opening Meetings Webinar

  • Requirements for an opening meeting as defined in ISO 19011:2018
  • Requirements for a closing meeting as defined in ISO 19011:2018
  • Responsibilities of the lead auditor in opening and closing meetings
  • Important considerations for remote audits
  • Opening meeting and closing meeting differences for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd party audits

Who should attend the Opening Meetings Webinar?

  • Lead auditors,
  • Audit team members,
  • Senior management,
  • Supplier Quality,
  • Purchasing, and
  • Quality Assurance.

Other Resources

You may also be interested in our procedure for Quality Audits (SYS-021). That procedure includes the following documents:

  • Quality Audits (SYS-021)
  • Audit Log (LST-007)
  • Supplier-Internal Audit Report Template (TMP-003)

What you will receive when you register for this webinar

  • Native slide deck
  • Access to the webinar recording
  • Opening & closing meeting checklist (TMP-035)
  • Remote opening & closing meeting presentation templates (TMP-036)

To register for this webinar, please fill in the form below.

There are three other webinars on related topics:

  1. Audit team communication during a remote audit (free) – This webinar explains the requirements for audit team communication as defined in ISO 19011:2018. You will learn how what, and when to communicate with auditees, guides, and observers during an audit. The responsibilities of audit team members and the lead auditor with regard to audit team communication are covered in the webinar. You will learn how to use audit team meetings effectively during an audit. Best practices in using modern hardware and software technology to improve audit team communication are also covered, including tips on sharing audit trails in real-time.
  2. How to qualify your suppliers webinar ($129) – This webinar explains the weaknesses of traditional “ancient” supplier qualification tools and introduces some modern tools that will improve your supplier qualification process.
  3. Remote auditing techniques webinar ($129) – The remote auditing techniques webinar teaches you when to conduct remote audits and when to avoid remote auditing. You will also learn how to use the recording of remote audits to help you more effectively train new auditors.

About Your Instructor

Winter in VT 2024 150x150 Opening Meetings Webinar

Rob Packard is a regulatory consultant with ~25 years of experience in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and biotechnology industries. He is a graduate of UConn in Chemical Engineering. Rob was a senior manager at several medical device companies—including the President/CEO of a laparoscopic imaging company. His Quality Management System expertise covers all aspects of developing, training, implementing, and maintaining ISO 13485 and ISO 14971 certifications. From 2009 to 2012, he was a lead auditor and instructor for one of the largest Notified Bodies. Rob’s specialty is regulatory submissions for high-risk medical devices, such as implants and drug/device combination products for CE marking applications, Canadian medical device applications, and 510(k) submissions. The most favorite part of his job is training others. He can be reached via phone at 802.281.4381 or by email. You can also follow him on YouTube, LinkedInor Twitter.

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