Founder & President
Rob Packard – FDA 510k Consultant Team
Rob is the founder and President of Medical Device Academy. He manages the FDA 510k Consulting Team. The company was incorporated in October 2013, but he wasn’t smart enough to get some full-time help until 2017. The company adopts a Quaker business philosophy of transparent pricing and treating customers fairly. We work with start-up companies all over the world, regardless of race, religion, or nationality. Our goal is to help as many companies get their medical devices to market as possible–especially devices for pediatric patients and breakthrough devices that will save lives.
Rob is constantly doing everything to extremes. That includes Zoom meetings with Austria, Sweden, Netherlands, and Israel at 6 am; and Skype calls with China and Australia and 10 pm. He “balances” this out with two and three daily workouts and a good novel until midnight. The picture below shows Rob at the end of a training hike with his dad (77 years old at the time). I wonder where he gets his extreme personality.

Email | Tel | (802) 258-1881
You can schedule a call with Rob using our Calendly app.
For articles written by Rob Packard please see our BoneZone page.