Suggestion Portal & 404 Page

Welcome to the Medical Device Academy’s virtual suggestion portal and our re-directed webpage instead of seeing a boring 404 error page.Suggestions line art Suggestion Portal & 404 Page

Please submit your ideas to our suggestion portal

We need and want your suggestions. Please submit your suggestions for our YouTube channel (including the Friday Live Streaming videos), blogs, webinars, or the new LearnDash beta testing website. We use your suggestions to help us create new content that you actually want and need. It’s also free consulting for you.

Do you have any suggestions for better methods of content delivery?

Any suggestions you have for better methods of content delivery would be greatly appreciated. We use AWeber as our email subscription service, but spam filters make it challenging. We don’t spam, but you can always adjust the subscription settings at the bottom of AWeber emails.

If you are afraid of the suggestion portal…

An alternative to using this virtual suggestion portal is to visit our calendar page to schedule a 30-minute meeting with Rob Packard. The calendar page is linked directly with Rob’s Google Calendar, and you will be able to schedule a meeting with him that is mutually convenient. You can also visit the contact us page to find his email and phone number.

404 Errors

If the webpage you were trying to reach is not available, we apologize for the glitch in our website. Please tell us what you were looking for and how you got here by filling in the suggestion portal form above. We will reply directly to your message, and we will implement our own correction and/or corrective action to prevent this from recurring.

If we did not address your complaint…

If you feel we are not adequately addressing your complaint, maybe you need to be more creative in the wording of your complaint. We recommend the following video as instructional material on the proper method for complaining about our inadequate website.

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